A specialized computer is like a general-purpose computer but is designed only to perform one or a few different tasks. See our specialized computer for further information and examples of these computers. Early computers like the ENIAC used vacuum tubes and were large and only found in businesses, universities, or governments. The Apple Ipad Is Released You may also become involved in sales and business development , identifying potential clients and maintaining good business contacts. You’ll learn things such as linked lists, sorting and recursion, trees, hashing, greedy solutions, graphs and optimizing data arrangements. All-In-One computer systems have a space-saving design, with the components all housed within the monitor or monitor base, so if you're shopping for a new computer but desk space is at a premium, an all-in-one is the answer. They're easy to set up, too, with few cables and plug-and-play convenience. Digital Computer Definition A computer is made up of ...